The evolution and improvement of A.I. imagery tools in 2023 was exponential to say the least. The leap in quality of prompt generated images in the course of a few months was both astonishing and frightening all in one. Keeping a 6th finger on the pulse of the A.I. imagery movement, I decided at the beginning of June 2023 to deep dive into investing in and experimenting with these tools to develop my next exhibition. In a unique collaboration between artist and machine, I spent the next 3 months developing and curating the most interesting results to display in a physical format. Postponed due to a hurricane, The A.I. Dream Machine debuted on Sept. 27th after garnering the curiosity of the local community and press. It exhibited one night only at a physical location and proved to be perhaps my most successful exhibition to date. Through prompt engineering I was able to use a novel approach to re-envisioning some classic archetypes and explore the realms of my imagination in an unprecedented approach to creating artwork. As A.I. continues to develop and becomes increasingly integrated and indistinguishable from our own reality, it is my hope that these visuals and artifacts from my genesis A.I. collection cement this point in time in my career, in art, and in human history.

Anyone who collects a piece from the collection below will not only receive a physical piece of art, but will also become a patron of and granted access to (GENESIS), my first digital art museum, created to house this collection specifically.